The Chicago Greens / Illinois Green Party
are presently recruiting individuals to serve as one of the 50 Ward Committee People in the upcoming election process. If you would like to serve in this capacity in your ward, and advance ecological legislation and candidates, please contact us.
The committee people are responsible for voter education and assistance prior to elections in their wards, and at various times helping secure ballot access, arranging / attending community events and candidate forums, posting and sharing materials on social media, distributing hard copy literature, with the aim to produce a high green voter turnout.
Training and resource materials will be provided, with ongoing advice and guidance.
All activities are performed voluntarily, and positions based upon appointment.
The position also involves at other times notification of any elected official at either the federal, state or local level of positions on issues or legislation.
An excellent way to get training and experience in the political process, learn how to lobby for eco-laws, and useful for anyone who might consider running for office
at some time in the future.
Sign Up to be a
Ward Committee Person for the
Illinois Green Party in Chicago
Questions? contact
Charles Paidock, Secretary
Chicago Greens
(312) 842-5036 office, (312) 714-7790 cell
No cost, tuition free training!
Taught by seasoned campaign
personnel of the Illinois Green Party
Guide for Green Party Ward & Township Committeepersons
All appointments will be reviewed and approved by a vote of the ILGP